DATE: 2010.31.12
Happy New Year everyone! The Wing Commander Saga staff would like to thank all of you for your support throughout the year. We know that we can never express our appreciation enough and we will continue to dedicate ourselves to bringing you an exciting and interactive space opera, and we hope that you will provide us with continuous supports in the coming year!
As a small new years gift we are releasing five wallpapers, courtesy of limdaepl, showcasing the new generation of Confederation fighters. Take a closer look at these pictures and see some of the fantastic detail for yourself.
DATE: 2010.27.12
Sprechen sie Wing Commander? As you know, Saga is working on a complete German version of the game as well. To give you a sneak peak at what that will be like, we are happy to bring you the German trailer for Wing Commander, The Darkest Dawn. If you don’t speak German, the English version is still available here.
Mit der Zerstörung seines Trägers nahm die Pilotenausbildung von 2nd Lieutenant David „Sandman“ Markham eine tragische Wendung. Das vermeintlich sichere Oberan-System erwies sich als tödlicher Hinterhalt für die TCS Wellington und ihre Besatzung. Als einer der wenigen Überlebenden steht Sandman nun eine düstere und ungewisse Zukunft bevor, denn dies war nur der Auftakt...
Der blutige Krieg, in den Sandman unvermittelt hineingezogen wurde, verläuft für die Terraner katastrophal. An allen Fronten sind die Kilrathi unerbittlich auf dem Vormarsch und die Lage wird von Tag zu Tag aussichtsloser. Die Streitkräfte der Terranischen Konföderation sind an allen Kriegsschauplätzen zum Rückzug gezwungen. Ihre Verluste sind dramatisch. Den endgültigen Sieg in greifbarer Nähe, stößt die mächtige Kriegsmaschinerie der Kilrathi System für System tiefer ins Herz der Konföderation vor. Der Menschheit droht die völlige Auslöschung. Ihre Chancen sind gering, doch noch besteht Hoffnung.
Das Schicksal der menschlichen Rasse steht auf dem Spiel und der Sieg gegen ihren erbittertsten Feind wird noch größte Opfer erfordern. Steigen Sie ins Cockpit und fliegen Sie an der Seite ihrer Kameraden gegen das Imperium der Kilrathi. Kämpfen Sie für das Überleben der Menschheit. Die Zeit ist gekommen, da einfache Menschen zu Helden werden können.
Nehmen Sie die Herausforderung an und werden Sie Teil des Abenteuers. Der Blickwinkel ist ein anderer - Der Auftrag derselbe: Stehen Sie der Konföderation bei in ihrer dunkelsten Stunde.
DATE: 2010.24.12
Happy Holidays to all of our site visitors! We hope your holiday season will be joyous and meaningful. We will see you all on the flip side with the new year.
We'd like to say thanks to all our fans out there with two small presents from us this holiday season. The first is a choice selection of screenshots showcasing the main menu of the game. For years people have been asking us to show it, and now we have. We have tried to make the main hall a compelling hub for the game that provides ambiance and atmosphere. We have tried to pay close attention to detail so that when you “step into” the main hall, you will feel the buzz and cadence of life aboard a space-borne carrier.
The second present isn’t being released today (couldn’t we all use a little help with our delayed gratification?). It will be released over the course of the next few days. But, here’s a hint: it will be of particular interest to our German fans, and no, it’s not the prologue.
DATE: 2010.04.12
In a sensational move, guys from GameOverCast have somehow managed to secure exclusive access for a lengthy chinwag with our very own Andreas Schmitt, to chat about all things regarding Wing Commander Saga. An mp3 of the chitchat is available for free on the GameOverCast website! Don't miss it.

As for our esteemed leader, he was sadly unavailable for the interview, as he was holed up at Saga HQ, rumoured to be curled up into a foetal position gently moaning to himself and wondering when life went so wrong.
DATE: 2010.25.10
For this update, we like to show our final variant of the Yorktown-class carrier. This venerable light carrier was first seen in Wing Commander 3, where the main character flew off the TCS Victory. People who have played our prologue would also remember the TCS Wellington, the carrier that played a big part in the main character’s training. The player can expect to see other Yorktown-class carriers throughout the campaign.
Designed more than fifty years before the Kilrathi War, the Yorktown-class light carrier has been modernized and refitted to keep up with rest of the carrier fleet. Its four fighter squadrons offer flexibility and adaptability from serving as support of a larger Confederation carrier or the center of its own battle group. The Kilrathi naval build-up of the past few years and the Confederations losses incurred during the Battle for Earth have shifted these venerable carriers back into front line duty.

DATE: 2010.24.09
For this update, the Saga team is proud to show the final version of the Terran heavy cruiser. The Tallahassee-class is a vessel that has been a staple in the Wing Commander games and a fan favorite. We see one such vessel, the TCS Ajax, serve as an escort for the TCS Victory in Wing Commander 3. One of the staff’s favorite moments during WC3 was when the Ajax fought and destroyed a Kilrathi heavy cruiser in a ship-to-ship battle.
Our fans who played the Prologue would remember the cruisers Juneau and Dover during the last campaign mission. These two cruisers would be featured in the introduction of the False Colors novel.
In Wing Commander 4, we see other ships of the class in service with Fleets of both the Terran Confederation and the Union of Border Worlds
The Terran heavy cruiser is a powerful vessel that can take and dish out considerable amounts of punishment. Its “brute force” concept of firepower is centered about a keel-mounted Mk III Plasma Cannon and several batteries of Anti-Matter Guns and missile tubes. They also can deploy a small detachment of fighters and utility craft from their hangar bay for independent flight operations. As invaluable fire-support for fleet operations and orbital bombardments, Tallahassee-class cruisers are warships that any Admiral wouldn’t mind having more of.

DATE: 2010.13.08
2nd Lieutenant David "Sandman" Markham's training took a cruel twist when his training carrier, the TCS Wellington, was ambushed and destroyed by the Kilrathi while cruising in a supposedly safe system. Unlike most of his fellow trainees and trainers, Sandman has survived to fight another day. But the days ahead are dark and foreboding.
The fight Markham has been prematurely plunged into is growing more desperate by the day. The Kilrathi are advancing on every front. Confed fleets are being forced to retreat in disarray. Terran losses are mounting catastrophically. System by system, the Kilrathi are pressing closer to the heart of the Confederation, hungry for the kill and the thrill of ultimate victory. Hope has run thin, and the total extinction of the human race seems all but inevitable.
Victory and survival for humanity can only be bought at a terrible cost. Gather your wingmen and your courage and prepare to play your part in humanity's desperate gambit as you face the Kilrathi foe. It is a time where even average men must reach inside themselves and become heroes. Answer the call. Face the enemy. Make your mark as the Confederation faces its darkest dawn.

DATE: 2010.11.08
To recap our last poll of favorite Kilrathi capital ship from Wing Commander 3, our WC fans picked the Fralthi II-class Heavy Cruiser to be numero uno, closely followed by the menacing Hvar'kann-class Dreadnought! The lost Origin-concept art of the Fralath-class cruiser made a respectable third place.
For this poll, we're going back into the old school, before Wing Commander 3 game out. We like to ask the fans to vote on their favorite Terran Confederation capital ship from Wing Commanders 1 and 2!
DATE: 2010.24.07
A full length Wing Commander Saga trailer is about to be released. In fact, we are just finalizing the music for it. Rather than just keep everyone waiting, we thought we would share a short teaser of material that didn't make it into our official trailer. Click here, watch, and enjoy! There is more to come soon.

DATE: 2010.16.07
The Wing Commander Saga team is happy to announce the launch of the project's new website. As development of Saga enters its final stages, we felt that our main hub needed to be revamped to make it more accessible and to allow for a greater connection between developers and fans.
One of the new features of our new website is integration with social network sites. We are also updating media integration from our site, providing sharper image quality, the ability to watch videos online at our site, gravatar integration and a new download system that will enhance the distribution of our existing releases and the upcoming release of the completed project. We have also given our database a major upgrade. It has a large quantity of new and expanded information about Saga.
All of this will help to provide a website that is more informative, entertaining, and up to date. We wanted to launch this new site to have it up and running in preparation for our upcoming beta test. You heard us right, we said beta test, and it's coming soon. Browse our new site, leave us your comments, and stay tuned for exciting developments in the near future.