Thanks Thor, but I don't think lowering my Desktop resolution had any effect on the rendered game.
And thanks Tolwyn and Keldor. Unfortunately, like I said above, I already have the ingame Detail Settings set to Low. It's very smooth and fluid in space, or with small objects like Fighter craft in my crosshair. But if I put a large craft in crosshairs, like the Wellington or even the corvette in the first mission, my FPS drop to nothing and it's like flying through mud. For example, taking off and landing is nearly impossible.
I think it's all the Emissive Lighting and Shadows that are rendered on larger capships that are chunking my low end GPU.
I found this website with Freespace 2 Command Line References: ... _Reference
Do these References work? I've tried playing with some different References in the cmdline_fso.cfg file, but I haven't noticed any appreciable difference in either lighting or performance. In particular, I tried adding -Res 800x600 and -No_Emissive_Light and neither seemed to have any effect.
I really appreciate how hard you guys have worked on this and I understand that because of all this hard work, you don't want your game looking like crap. But, right now, for me, it doesn't look like anything. I haven't played computer games in years. I don't have a a gaming rig. But I'm really excited about WCSaga and I hope you guys can tell me some way to disable the shadows/ambient lighting.
Thanks again!