First of all I would like to thank you all to have released this amazing game!!!
I've started nearly 20 years ago with "Wing Commander Privateer" and this game made me trully get addicted. Then years later I bought "Wing Commander Privateer 2" and "Wing Commander Prophecy".
Sure between the basically "original" Wing Commander games and the Privateer games is a difference. But I liked both!
I have nothing to complain about the game! And even if I would have something to complain, then I wouldn't really have the right for, because this amazing game is for free. Recently I have unfortunatelly problems with the keys... maybe some of you folks can give me a tip about? The Targeting System is somehow different... at least it is not really putting me the nearest enemy ships on targeting system.
Well else, about such a poll, it would be really nice if you find time and mood to maybe creat more terran ships from all "Wing COmmander" and the "Wing Commander Privateer 1" I never flow the Talon or Stiletto, but once i allways wanted and was so much disapointed with Privateer 1 that the choice of ships was so limited...
Maybe you might even include an new function that you are assigned to lead your own fleet. So also lead capital ships.
I was just thinking... the Midway must looks like giant beside the Hermes
To include those bugs from Prophecy, I am against, because it would turn like in Prophecy that you and the cats would walk and in paws... instead to blow those kitty cats back into their litter box. If a three party war woudl start.... I guess the overview would be lost quickly, because too many enemies would have to been killed and too many missions.
Maybe you might make a release one day of a kind of Privateer. But if you would do this, please then not without the Planet New Detroit, Planet Oxford, Perry Naval Base and New COnstantinople Base, and also not without Eden System
Don't get me wrong, I don't await of you to realize all this, it is only an inspiration of an WC Fan.
Like I've allready readed arround here in the Forum, someone said about the sequences in the bars... sure I also miss such sequences, or on bases... I also know that it would be a lot of work to realize those animated ingame movies, but it would be amazing.
What else might be nice would be maybe an Pirate or Tycoon campaign... I mean playing as a pirate or a Industrial Tycoon, capturing ships or building own fleets to maybe reinforce the Confederation with it...
Sorry I write much

By the way... does any editor exists for the game?
Would be amazing if i could creat my own fleet^^
Greetings from germany
Apparently you folks like Southpark and Dr.House, I like it!!!