
Topic-icon A message to the developers

12 years 10 months ago #7135 by spajn
Replied by spajn on topic A message to the developers
i can't possible see how you can make this game more accessible without totally going in a different direction from wing commander all together. I didn't find this game frustrating hard not even the last mission.

Eve online thats a frustrating game to learn, xwing and especially tie fighter are hard games.. many missions in those game you have to protect weak transports to endless squadrons of tie bombers that constantly doing torpedo runs meanwhile you got 2-3 fighters locking missiles in your rear (and in tie fighter you usually insta die of one advanced missile AND you dont have countermeasures). And guess what, no save game function while doing the mission.

If this was more accessable it would be a totally arcade game and the people who want a semi-simulator would have to find a different game.
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  • Silk_Sk
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12 years 10 months ago #7137 by Silk_Sk
Replied by Silk_Sk on topic A message to the developers

spajn wrote: i can't possible see how you can make this game more accessible without totally going in a different direction from wing commander all together. I didn't find this game frustrating hard not even the last mission.

Eve online thats a frustrating game to learn, xwing and especially tie fighter are hard games.. many missions in those game you have to protect weak transports to endless squadrons of tie bombers that constantly doing torpedo runs meanwhile you got 2-3 fighters locking missiles in your rear (and in tie fighter you usually insta die of one advanced missile AND you dont have countermeasures). And guess what, no save game function while doing the mission.

If this was more accessable it would be a totally arcade game and the people who want a semi-simulator would have to find a different game.

What is the problem people have with making the checkpoints optional? I don't seen an issue with giving the player the ability to make the game as challenging or as easy as they want. Who cares as long as its fun? I mean, as long as you're complaining that the game shouldn't be easy then you might as well take out the difficulty settings altogether.
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12 years 10 months ago #7147 by Magnus
Replied by Magnus on topic A message to the developers
GOOD GOD MAN! are you still going on about this lmao :P
I believe the answer to your request for save points was ... let me see now? ahh NO!
Surely you have some other objection to run with, if just so we can get a break from this one for a bit. Come on mate you can do better than this ... 8-)
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12 years 10 months ago #7153 by GODzilla
Replied by GODzilla on topic A message to the developers
Though the devs hinted that it would be possible to add checkpoints (given enough time and work) I don't think it should be done. It will require a serious rework of the engine and gameplay mechanics. Basically every single mission had to be remade new and then checked and tested again. A year, maybe two? It's just not worth it.

Especially since there is another solution, a much easier one, too. I mean the checkpoints are meant to make the game easier, in case you die over and over again.

Why not just add an - optional - very very easy difficulty setting, where hitpoints and shield strenght are considerably higher. I guess this can be done quite easily and quick.

It would probably silence all those who are asking for the checkpoints. ^^

GODzilla ®
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12 years 10 months ago #7154 by horizon
Replied by horizon on topic A message to the developers
Or use the cheat? (indestructible)

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12 years 10 months ago #7155 by GODzilla
Replied by GODzilla on topic A message to the developers

horizon wrote: Or use the cheat? (indestructible)

Damn, thought about that as well, then forgot while I was typing. :D Yes, that would be even easier I guess. But then again...there's a difference between "easy" and "can't loose". :D

To be clear: Not saying this is good, just a way to satisfy those who are asking for something like this. Fortunately I stopped cheating at the same time I started to really enjoy gaming. It was shortly after Warcraft 2, where I cheated like crazy and then asked myself: Was it fun to play? Nope.

GODzilla ®
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12 years 10 months ago #7157 by Silk_Sk
Replied by Silk_Sk on topic A message to the developers

Magnus wrote:

Don't bother replying when you clearly only read my last post. I REPEAT, if I were merely requesting that checkpoints be added, I wouldn't have made a new thread. I probably wouldn't have bothered posting at all. The answer was quite clear in all the other threads. It seems like KeldorKatarn has been the only one so far to actually read my posts and give an intelligent, thought provoking reply.
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12 years 10 months ago #7159 by mormon_boy
Replied by mormon_boy on topic A message to the developers
ha, nice use of gifs.
personally i kept my mouth shut cause i didn't want to even attempt to scale the wall-o-text you and keldor constructed
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12 years 10 months ago - 12 years 10 months ago #7164 by Drake Sigar
Replied by Drake Sigar on topic A message to the developers
Maybe it's just me, but when I think of Wing Commander, difficulty doesn't come to mind at all. And I don't mean the games weren't difficult, I mean I don't remember them for their difficulty. I remember the narrative, the developing relationships over poker games, and an unparalleled cinematic experience which had never been seen in video gaming.

Now Shadow of the Horned Rat - THAT I remember fondly for being hard. Golly could I tell you some stories... like that time my artillery was doing exceptionally well decimating black orcs before spontaneously exploding due to misfire. Or that time I skirted the last surviving unit of Arrow Boyz with Ragnar's Wolves for half an hour because neither of us were willing to lose men. How about that time I took down an entire Skaven army with two gyrocopters?
Last edit: 12 years 10 months ago by Drake Sigar.
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12 years 10 months ago #7165 by GODzilla
Replied by GODzilla on topic A message to the developers
Well I recently downloaded and tried Wing Commander 4 (GOG-version). I was in for the really great movies, didn't mind the rather...simple ingame graphics...and I was even surprised that my modern joystick was fully supported. Even the z-axis for rolling.

And then I was unable to hit anything. Seriously, it was the shakedown at the very beginning of the game, where you fight with weapons in training mode, against Maniac. No chance. How did you guys play this back in the days? :D

Anyways...I admited defeat, the past is the past, but watched most of the cool movies anyway by browsing through them in the explorer. :P

...*waiting for the veterans to throw me out the airlock* :P

GODzilla ®
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