We know at least three or four completely different Kilrathi scripts, and the description from the Kilrathi Saga manual fits to none of them well.
- the Wing Commander movie letters (you can find them somewhere on the Internet, although the movie suggests it is actually syllable-based or even a pictograph script) For my taste it is too round.
- the script used on the Tome of Sivar (WCP intro, thus often called WCP script), I did a TTF file based on that one, just adding some numbers and stuff. It is intended for use with a single-letter alphabet. In my mod I actually use English, just with the Kilrathi font. It is for decorative reasons anyway. WC Standoff used the same letters for their easter egg.
- the Dralthi thing that is supposed to be the one described in the manual. But come on, that thing is pretty low-res.
- The script from the Wing Commander CCG that looks awfully similar to Klingon
- There are also some symbols/letters in the Korlarh cockpit:
www.wcnews.com/chatzone/attachme ... -png.3893/
Fan made:
The guy from "Tomes of Sivar" did this based on the description from the manual:
And maybe you should check out this thread at the CIC, there's a lot of information/speculation/debate over Kilrathi language and writing there.
www.wcnews.com/chatzone/threads/ ... age.24077/