
Topic-icon Does the NPC mentioned in my Spoiler show up at all?

  • steelhand
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12 years 10 months ago #5993 by steelhand
[spoiler:3sidxx8j]Ok, so I ended up just now beating darkest dawn (Are the heavy turrets on the Wratghar supposed to be undamagable?) and the one character mentioned on the website that I was hoping to see was Bladekiss, that is, Thrakath's sister. Not once did I see a single mention of her at all, anywhere. and I was quite hoping to, seeing mention of her.[/spoiler:3sidxx8j]

Now, on a seperate note, are the enemy squads I fight supposed to be 75% bombers? Seriously, by the end of the game, I had more paktahn and Sorthak kills than everything else put together. even on very easy and me bringing my A game to the field, I still ended up seeing more cap ships go down than I'd like.

Also, are capship missiles supposed to be seen as neutral objects? they don't seem to be included in the "target next/closest hostile" when scrambling to protect a ship.

p.s. Seriously, very -very- well done, WC Saga devs. You really should be proud of yourselves. as I should be ashamed of myself for doing nothing but burn through Darkest dawn in the last 3 days

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12 years 10 months ago #6107 by Darpaek

My only criticism about Saga is the late game difficulty seems to get up'd by the cats continually throwing bombers at you and so many missions don't give you control over your wingmates so you're essentially relegated to bomber cleanup to keep the capships alive. I'm coming home with 20 or 30 bombers kills a mission late game and my Pak/Sorth kills have now exceeded my Drathii and Darket kills overall. In all fairness, the original WC games did this too, though! ;)

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12 years 10 months ago #6224 by arisian
If you want to target capship missiles, the 'b' key should cycle through capship missiles, and then hostile bombers (assuming both are present). And yes, there have always been a lot more cats than friendlies; the WC3 era in particular always made it clear that the Kilrathi have a significant edge in numbers. So it shouldn't be that surprising that they can throw a lot of bombers at you, especially given the large scale of some of the later battles.

Oh, and I'll also point out that you can't always save everyone; some capships deaths are scripted. Check the "reccomendations" at the end of a mission to see whether you were "supposed" to save a given capship; if it doesn't have any suggestions for you, chances are there was nothing you could have done.

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