DEBUG SPEW: No debug_filter.cfg found, so only general, error, and warning
categories can be shown and no debug_filter.cfg info will be saved.
FreeSpace version:
Passed cmdline options:
-fov 0.87266
Building file index...
Found root pack 'C:\Games\Wing Commander Saga\hermes_42181_1_1_patch.vp' with a checksum of 0x3bfacdd7
Found root pack 'C:\Games\Wing Commander Saga\hermes_cbanims.vp' with a checksum of 0x2409b26f
Found root pack 'C:\Games\Wing Commander Saga\hermes_core.vp' with a checksum of 0xd7728a23
Found root pack 'C:\Games\Wing Commander Saga\hermes_effects.vp' with a checksum of 0x0286a101
Found root pack 'C:\Games\Wing Commander Saga\hermes_interface.vp' with a checksum of 0x65ead96b
Found root pack 'C:\Games\Wing Commander Saga\hermes_maps.vp' with a checksum of 0x8ffa2f7d
Found root pack 'C:\Games\Wing Commander Saga\hermes_models.vp' with a checksum of 0x79660cff
Found root pack 'C:\Games\Wing Commander Saga\hermes_movies.vp' with a checksum of 0x68a4c02e
Found root pack 'C:\Games\Wing Commander Saga\hermes_movies_prologue.vp' with a checksum of 0x9b94783c
Found root pack 'C:\Games\Wing Commander Saga\hermes_sounds.vp' with a checksum of 0xe2923047
Searching root 'C:\Users\Paromi\Documents\Volition\Wing Commander Saga\' ... 287 files
Searching root 'C:\Games\Wing Commander Saga\' ... 0 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Games\Wing Commander Saga\hermes_42181_1_1_patch.vp' ... 11 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Games\Wing Commander Saga\hermes_cbanims.vp' ... 11105 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Games\Wing Commander Saga\hermes_core.vp' ... 114 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Games\Wing Commander Saga\hermes_effects.vp' ... 2052 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Games\Wing Commander Saga\hermes_interface.vp' ... 3331 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Games\Wing Commander Saga\hermes_maps.vp' ... 2001 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Games\Wing Commander Saga\hermes_models.vp' ... 169 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Games\Wing Commander Saga\hermes_movies.vp' ... 60 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Games\Wing Commander Saga\hermes_movies_prologue.vp' ... 7 files
Searching root pack 'C:\Games\Wing Commander Saga\hermes_sounds.vp' ... 5984 files
Searching root 'e:\' ... 0 files
Found 13 roots and 25121 files.
AutoLang: Language auto-detection successful...
Setting language to English
Initializing OpenAL...
Using 'Generic Software' as OpenAL sound device...
OpenAL Vendor : Creative Labs Inc.
OpenAL Renderer : Software
OpenAL Version : 1.1
... OpenAL successfully initialized!
Failed to init speech
Initializing OpenGL graphics device at 1024x768 with 32-bit color...
Initializing WGL...
Requested WGL Video values = R: 8, G: 8, B: 8, depth: 32, double-buffer: 1
Actual WGL Video values = R: 8, G: 8, B: 8, depth: 32, double-buffer: 1
OpenGL Vendor : Intel
OpenGL Renderer : Intel Pineview Platform
OpenGL Version : 1.4.0 - Build
Using extension "GL_EXT_fog_coord".
Using extension "GL_ARB_multitexture".
Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_env_add".
Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_compression".
Using extension "GL_EXT_texture_compression_s3tc".
Using extension "GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic".
Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_env_combine".
Using extension "GL_EXT_compiled_vertex_array".
Using extension "GL_EXT_draw_range_elements".
Unable to find extension "GL_ARB_texture_mirrored_repeat".
Unable to find extension "GL_ARB_texture_non_power_of_two".
Using extension "GL_ARB_vertex_buffer_object".
Unable to find extension "GL_EXT_pixel_buffer_object".
Using extension "GL_SGIS_generate_mipmap".
Unable to find extension "GL_EXT_framebuffer_object".
Unable to find extension "GL_NV_texture_rectangle".
Using extension "GL_EXT_bgra".
Using extension "GL_ARB_texture_cube_map".
Using extension "GL_EXT_texture_lod_bias".
Unable to find extension "NV_point_sprite".
Unable to find extension "GL_ARB_shading_language_100".
Unable to find extension "GL_ARB_shader_objects".
Unable to find extension "GL_ARB_vertex_shader".
Unable to find extension "GL_ARB_fragment_shader".
Unable to find extension "GL_ATI_shader_texture_lod".
Found special extension function "wglSwapIntervalEXT".
!!DEBUG!! OpenGL Errors this frame: 1
Max texture units: 8 (
Max elements vertices: 1024
Max elements indices: 1024
Max texture size: 2048x2048
Can use compressed textures: YES
Texture compression available: YES
Using bilinear texture filter.
... OpenGL init is complete!
Size of bitmap info = 760 KB
Size of bitmap extra info = 52 bytes
ANI cursorweb with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
GRAPHICS: Initializing default colors...
SCRIPTING: Beginning initialization sequence...
SCRIPTING: Beginning Lua initialization...
LUA: Opening LUA state...
LUA: Initializing base Lua libraries...
LUA: Beginning ADE initialization
ADE: Initializing enumeration constants...
ADE: Assigning Lua session...
SCRIPTING: Beginning main hook parse sequence....
SCRIPTING: Inititialization complete.
SCRIPTING: Splash screen overrides checked
SCRIPTING: Splash hook has been run
SCRIPTING: Splash screen conditional hook has been run
Using high memory settings...
Wokka! Error opening file (interface.tbl)!
WMCGUI: Unable to parse 'interface.tbl'! Error code = 5.
ANI 2_radar1 with size 209x170 (33.6% wasted)
JOYSTICK: Errer reading joystick data: JOYERR_PARMS
Current soundtrack set to -1 in event_music_reset_choices
Wokka! Error opening file (armor.tbl)!
TABLES: Unable to parse 'armor.tbl'! Error code = 5.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (exp20.eff) with 100 frames at 30 fps.
BMPMAN: Found EFF (ExpMissileHit1.eff) with 150 frames at 30 fps.
ANI Lamprey_Impact with size 80x80 (37.5% wasted)
BMPMAN: Found EFF (exp07.eff) with 47 frames at 20 fps.
TBM => Starting parse of 'bomber-obt.tbm' ...
loading animated cursor "cursor"
ANI cursor with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
Ships.tbl is : INVALID!!!!
Weapons.tbl is : INVALID!!!!
cfile_init() took 3459
Got event GS_EVENT_GAME_INIT (49) in state NOT A VALID STATE (0)
Bitmap 2_ChoosePilot-m.pcx allocated 786432 bytes
Bitmap 2_ChoosePilot.dds allocated 2359296 bytes
Bitmap cursor1.ani allocated 70 bytes
Bitmap cursor1.ani[1] allocated 70 bytes
Bitmap cursor1.ani[2] allocated 70 bytes
Bitmap cursor1.ani[3] allocated 70 bytes
Bitmap cursor1.ani[4] allocated 70 bytes
Bitmap 2_CPB_060002.dds allocated 10508 bytes
ANI cursor.ani with size 24x24 (25.0% wasted)
Bitmap cursor.ani allocated 1152 bytes
Frame 0 too long!!: frametime = 0.261 (0.261)
Frame 0 too long!!: frametime = 0.283 (0.283)