Today, while trying to get antialiasing (AA) working in the game, I noticed something odd. I followed the official recommendation in the WCSA-readme which says to get AA working via driver. The latest AMD Catalyst comes with the feature to automatically activate certain settings automatically, when you point it at the game exe, called "3D application settings".
However, this does not seem to work properly for Wing Commander Saga. I figured I might let everyone know who tried this and got negative results, because it is not the AA not working, but rather the "3D application settings" feature of the driver.
I tried to point it to a) the launcher, or b) the exe and even tried c) the batch file I use to start both the game and Xpadder at the same time. Everytime the driver failed to recognize the game and thus did not activate AA or any other special driver setting I setup for WCSA.
Bottom line: You have to do it manually!
Meaning you have to adjust the general driver settings and leave them be, then start the game and return them to normal when you exit the game.
There is another driver feature that might make this a little more comfortable though. It's the second-upper option in the Catalyst sidebar, probably called "Presets". There you can define driver presets and add a button shortcut to it.
For example:
Set everything to normal; settings to where you'd like to have them for the average game or on the windows desktop. Then go to "Presets" and click "Add Preset". Assign a name, for instance "Normal". Then scroll down and assign a button-shortcut, for instance "Alt" and "F1". So everytime you press Alt + F1 on the desktop (Catalyst interface does NOT need to be open for this to work) the driver is set to "Normal".
Now for WCSA change the settings. I set mine to "4x" for the "SMOOTHVISION HD: Anti-Aliasing", with the "Filter" set to "Edge" detect. I also setup "SMOOTHVISION HD: Anisotropic Filter" to "8x". Then I went back to the Preset-tab, clicked "Add Preset", named it "4x Edge-AA 8x Aniso" and assigned the buttons "Alt" and "F2". Now everytime I press Alt + F2 driver is setup for these settings, which will work in WCSA. LIKE A CHARM!
Hint: This does not work ingame / not "on the fly" so to speak. You have to do it before you start the game (or any application) and then reset to normal (Alt + F1) after exiting the game.
Be careful: Some driver settings in combination with the above two for AA and Anisotropic filter made my game lock-up on two occasions. It was either the manually set V-Sync or the OpenGL triple buffering. You don't necessarily need the first setting and the second is not important, so just leaving these two as it / disabled should be okay.
Feel free to add your own tipps.