[spoiler:2tki2f05]... and getting fried by Fireclaw[/spoiler:2tki2f05]
Since some people have asked how to save the Sabres in Vega 1 I decided to record a gameplay video of me saving both Sabres on Hard difficulty (which is usually too high for me. I play on normal.)
I didn't do too well, I timed several missile launches wrong so I ended up having to fire a few missiles later only to force some Dralthi into evasion meneuvers without any chance to actually hit them.
Because of that I was a bit too slow in taking out the Dralthi and one Sabre was already in a crossfire, forcing me to afterburner in like crazy to get close enough to the corvette to force it to fire on me instead. Which kinda worked at least, if I hadn't forgotten to increase my shield energy in time
But ah well, for 1AM in morning and without wearing my contacts I guess I did alright
[spoiler:2tki2f05]Oh yeah, see the Fireclaw Nav point on how NOT to dodge a missile.[/spoiler:2tki2f05]