As I get in to the later parts of the game, enemy bomber waves are becoming more and more of a hassle. Is there any way we could get a key option for 'target nearest bomb/bomber' (with the same logic as target nearest enemy)? When multiple waves are coming in, I want to go for the closest one, not scroll through all of them evaluating distance. Often enough, while I'm taking out one group, the 'next' bomber is in a different group 40k away, instead of the one that's right behind me. Anything we can do about this? Thanks.
Allow me to clarify: I know the B key does that. It cycles through the bombers/torps. I get that. It's bound to my joystick for easy access. The problem is that it doesn't go through in order of distance, but by some random system. Seriously, it'll target Paktahns that are 20k away before it'll target the one that's 2k away just off my port wing. That is decidedly unhelpful. I lost the last mission I played because I went for the next bomber, thinking that I'd finished the group of four I was killing, when I had, in fact, missed two of them right bloody next to me. They proceeded to launch, the destroyer went up like cardboard, I lose. Make sense?