url=http://forum.wcsaga.org/viewtopic.php?f=14&t=26:1xluc1j7]from wcsaga.org (german)[/url
1. Introduction
On german forum - and also here in english forum - we have several postings about download problems respectively unzip problems or crc error at setup. What exactly is the problem is not clear at the moment, but it seems that some older decompress tools can't handle the big WCS ZIP archive and/or the ZIP archive may have download errors. For this the "WCS Setup ZIP Check & UnZip" tool was written.
2. Functions
The tool can do the following:
- checking the big ZIP file with MD5
- unzipping the ZIP file if MD5 was completed without errors (optionally)
- starting WCS Setup after UnZip (optionally)
3. Usage
3.1 Run the tool
Download "WCS Setup ZIP Check & UnZip" and unzip the tool in the same folder as darkest-dawn-setup.zip.
Now you should have the following files in your download folder:
Simply start
The rest is self explanatory, but it is shown here nevertheless.
3.2 Check (MD5)
During the MD5 check is running, the following is shown:
[attachment=2:1xluc1j7]<!-- ia2 -->PicPick_2012-07-28_14_02_40.png<!-- ia2 -->[/attachment:1xluc1j7]
If the ZIP archive is not completely or have errors, the following is shown:
[attachment=1:1xluc1j7]<!-- ia1 -->capture_20130620_103750.png<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment:1xluc1j7]
If all is fine, you can unzip the ZIP archive:
[attachment=0:1xluc1j7]<!-- ia0 -->capture_20130620_103758.png<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:1xluc1j7]
...continued at next posting