First of all thanks for the awesome game. I had no dogfight action since i played Darkstar One^^ but this new game made me realise the whole FSO community and awesome mods like wcsaga.
My Problem with the mouse mode is, that if i use xpadder to get my xbox 360 pad to work correctly with FSO (Triggers RT LT dont work otherwise) i cannot establish a working flight control.
a) Xpadder Numpad -> Game No Mouse No Joystick
In this case the turning speed of the ship is way too fast i cannot aim
b) Xpadder Mouse -> Game to Mouse Control
If you try to put the ship down and then up the mouse cursor has to "pass" the center of the hud.
While this happens the ship does not move which results in a very "bad" feeling for the ships movement and a resulting bad aim. I already tried the no mouse reticle fix you provided but that just makes the grey thingy invisible. The way the ship reacts to mouse movement is the same.
I hope you will fix this or provide alternate mouse controls as you already mentioned for a future
Ah i forgot. I just tried out FS2 Upgrade Mod from FSO, and there the mouse control is perfekt, maybe you could just tell me how to switch it?
Edit 2:
Ok i solved the issue for me:
If you want to control the ship with the right stick of the Xbox 360 Pad you can just swap the Axis in Xpadder. Then you can run the game with the joystick settings and the Trigger (RTLT) and the stick work!
Time to kill some CATS